ID-10042185Did you know that your body has a built-in survival mechanism telling it to hold on to calories when you go for long periods of time without eating? It’s true. When you skip meals and don’t eat for hours, your body slows down it’s metabolism to conserve body fat in order to keep you from starving. And then, this causes food cravings making it more likely that you will give in to temptation and overeat – a vicious cycle that makes weight loss difficult.

eat frequently throughout the day.

If you want to lose weight, eat! Have three small meals per day with healthy snacks in-between or, if you prefer, eat four or five mini-meals. This can have a very positive influence on your ability to lose weight and keep it off.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

What impact does your eating style have on your weight?

Please share in the comment section below. Your ideas could be very helpful to other readers.

Meanwhile, if you want to lose weight, improve your energy and feel better, I can help you get started. Take my free Self-Assessment at

Image courtesy of Piyachok Thawornmat /

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