Changing the way you eat so you can lose weight and improve your health doesn’t mean you have to eat boring tasteless food. In fact, you are much more likely to succeed at permanent weight loss if you enjoy the food you eat every day. And that’s where flavoring comes in. 

Powerful Weight Loss Tip: Flavor your food.

To get the most enjoyment out the foods you eat – and lose weight along the way – use these tips:

  • Cook grains like rice, barley and quinoa in low-fat, reduced-sodium chicken, beef, or vegetable broth.
  • Experiment with herbs and spices like basil, cayenne, cumin, and dill.
  • Sharpen the flavor of foods with a small amount of grated cheese like parmesan, feta or blue cheese. Sprinkle it on vegetables, rice, salads and pastas.
  • Intensify flavor with dried ingredients such as sun-dried tomatoes, dried mushrooms, and dried fruit like cranberries, apricots and figs. Soak them in broth, cooking wine or fruit juice to plump before using.
  • Marinate your foods with tangy, sweet or savory sauces. If you use a store bought marinade, be sure to check the label and choose a low-sodium option.
  • Finish foods with a small drizzle nut cold-pressed oil, such as hazelnut, almond or walnut oils.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

What techniques do you use to enhance the flavor of your food?

Please share in the comment section below.  Your ideas could be very helpful to other readers.

Meanwhile, if you want to lose weight, improve your energy and feel better, I can help you get started. Take my free Self-Assessment at

Image courtesy of worradmu /

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