Did you get off track over the winter with your healthy eating and exercise routine? Or perhaps you don’t have a routine and need to create one. The sunny days of summer are here and it’s the perfect time to get back on track or kick start a new self-care routine. Check out these strategies for some common self-care challenges.

SELF-CARE CHALLENGE: Striving for perfection.

Solution: Every choice you make will not be perfect when it comes to getting fit and healthy. But that’s not necessary for you to reach your goal. Instead, strive to do your best on most days. If (when) you do slip-up, shake it off and get right back on track. And always remember, nobody gains weight from one rich dessert or missed day of exercise. The real trouble starts when you allow that one splurge or lazy day to snowball. Take it one day at a time and learn to give yourself grace. Everyone has slip-ups; getting back on track right away is what leads to long-term success.

SELF-CARE CHALLENGE: Eating balanced meals and snacks.

Solution: Many of the so-called “health foods” being marketed to people who are trying to get fit and healthy are exactly the opposite of healthy. They are highly processed, filled with artificial ingredients, and lacking in nutrients. It’s no wonder so many people on diets feel fatigued, less focused, and wanting more. One of the best ways to stay satisfied, energized, and on track with your healthy eating plan is to eat nutrient-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables; whole grains; legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils; nuts and seeds; and lean meats, poultry and fish. Keep the highly processed foods, convenience foods, and fast foods to a minimum. Check out this simple breakfast quesadilla for a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

SELF-CARE CHALLENGE: Dealing with cravings.

Solution:  When you feel like eating at a time that is not part of your plan ask yourself the question, “Am I really hungry or is this just a craving?” Hunger is your body’s way of telling you that you need fuel; it’s a physiological response. If you are legitimately hungry, eat. A craving, on the other hand, is usually triggered by a psychological need. Learn to listen to your body and figure out what it is trying to tell you. See if you can delay eating and ride out the craving. If you can’t, and you find this happening frequently, perhaps you need something other than food. You may want to seek out psychological support.

SELF-CARE CHALLENGE:  Moving your body regularly.

Solution: Instead of thinking of exercise as a way to lose weight, internalize the many health benefits of exercise. Exercise for reasons that aren’t related to the scale, such as feeling more energized, stronger, improved mood, and better sleep. If you haven’t exercised in a while, ease back into it with small achievable goals such as going for a walk a few days a week and gradually increase.

Lorraine Matthews-Antosiewicz, MS, RD

PS –

Summer is the perfect time to re-focus on taking care of yourself.  Let’s talk about how we can work together so you can improve your health and fitness, achieve your personal best weight, and maintain it with ease.  NO MORE DIETING.

Message me or call 732-494-1149.  Let’s start with a conversation.

Meanwhile, be grateful, patient, and nice, stay hydrated, treat yourself and others with kindness, move more, and eat your veggies!

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