ID-100151246How many times have you gone on a diet? Most people I talk to have dieted more times than they can remember. And yet they are still looking for the answer to permanent weight loss. Let’s face it, weight loss ain’t easy and it’s even harder to maintain.


Powerful Weight Loss Tip: dieting is not the answer 

The diet industry would have us all think that we can lose weight fast, and that’s that. But most people who are successful at maintaining their desired weight understand that it’s not about following a temporary set of rules, to be dumped once a favorite pair of jeans fit. Instead, it’s about making lifestyle choices day in and day out for the duration.

Here are five practical calorie saving tips you can use every day.

1. Eat breakfast.
It will get you off to an energetic start and help keep your appetite in check throughout the day.

2. Start with greens.
Eat your vegetables first and have a double helping. You will end up eating fewer calories.

3. Snack between meals.
Eat about every three hours so you’ll be equipped to say no to temptations.

4. Don’t drink your calories.
Say no to soda and other sugary beverages.

5. Question Your Cravings.
Before you eat, ask yourself if you are truly hungry. Eating won’t satisfy a craving for something other than food.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

What lifestyle choices do you make every day to keep your weight in check?

Please share in the comment section below.  Your ideas could be very helpful to other readers.

Meanwhile, if you want to lose weight, improve your energy and feel better, I can help you get started. Take my free Self-Assessment at

Image courtesy of Marcus /

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